Monday, December 13, 2010

Fireman Ben is 3!

This first picture blows me away--can't believe that little man next to me is 3?!!!!! He looks so grown up and he is. We started the "his age plus one"(or plus two in our case :) friend party and Ben definitely enjoyed his friends, cake, and playtime. I was a bit distracted so I didn't manage to get photos of all of his friends--but thank you Kendall, Colin, Ryder, Matt, and Owen for making Ben's 3rd birthday so special!
Owen enjoying his cake and red food dye :)
Kendall and Ben patiently waiting to eat cake!
I love the size of Kendall's bite :)

Ben's good buddy RyRy couldn't make it, so Ben is wearing RyRy's bday gift to him--such a cool shirt!
The infamous photo year 3 it becomes a bit much. Might need a bigger home or plan B next year.