Friday, December 24, 2010

Ben's Wishes...

A little late posting this, but better late than never right? Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fireman Ben is 3!

This first picture blows me away--can't believe that little man next to me is 3?!!!!! He looks so grown up and he is. We started the "his age plus one"(or plus two in our case :) friend party and Ben definitely enjoyed his friends, cake, and playtime. I was a bit distracted so I didn't manage to get photos of all of his friends--but thank you Kendall, Colin, Ryder, Matt, and Owen for making Ben's 3rd birthday so special!
Owen enjoying his cake and red food dye :)
Kendall and Ben patiently waiting to eat cake!
I love the size of Kendall's bite :)

Ben's good buddy RyRy couldn't make it, so Ben is wearing RyRy's bday gift to him--such a cool shirt!
The infamous photo year 3 it becomes a bit much. Might need a bigger home or plan B next year.

Santa Train

We hopped on board the Santa Train this last weekend, we loved it! The train was decorated, a very sweet older gentleman sang Christmas songs to all of us, the boys visited with Santa, we ate cookies and drank hot cocoa, they had heaters for our brief wait in line...

I would highly recommend this to those who enjoy trains and/or Santa!


Ty is mobile! I try to look at it positively--I'll need to get more creative. Ty is heavy, funny and hungry most of the time. If not eating food he is trying to eat Ben's toys, which Ben loves. ;) He has the "cheeto nose," more and more blonde hair, and he is maintaining those hanging, chubby, adorable cheeks.

The holidays are here.

We started an Advent Calendar with Ben this year--a mix of small little treats, books, and experiences along the way. As we were going to be seeing Santa soon, Ben woke up to a special hot cocoa cup and some special Santa letter paper. His letter was more of an introduction of himself. We've avoided "the list" for one more year, we hope!

Ben wrote this all by himself :)
My little elf


This year we were lucky enough to have two Thanksgivings, our first with Grandma Sandy and Aunt Karen and then we headed East (with no travel issues :) to have our second with Nana, Papa and Uncle. The boys on Thanksgivings...

Turkey Trot 2010

The Something Annual Turkey Trot was a great time! The Donaldsons and the Yorkstons joined us this year. I always love getting to spend time with dear friends first thing Thanksgiving morning.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Arctic Blast 2010 was interesting...sledding, snow angels, hot cocoa, extended pj time, and Drew's 8.5 hour commute home.

Monday, November 15, 2010

This last weekend...

October 26th we lost Ben and Ty's dear Grandpa Kurt. We knew this was coming, but there is no extra time that prepares anyone for a loss as great as this. The day before Kurt passed he and Ben had their normal conversations...Kurt telling Ben how to make something work better, Ben showing Grandpa his new stuffed elephant, and then Grandpa telling Ben that this new elephant could be the brother of Daddy's childhood stuffed elephant Pinky. Ben really liked that idea. Kurt got to know Ben and Ty very well and for that we are very thankful. This last weekend was Grandpa's memorial and it was perfect. Thank you to everyone for their support, presence, well wishes, cards, phone calls, thoughts and prayers over the last seven years and throughout these last few weeks.

Swanson's Reindeer Festival w/ Uncle and the Minahans

Ben and Owen

Family time--at the hotel with Uncle and sushi night! with Aunt Sue

Quick trip to Spokane

Outside for a fire--brrrrr!
making birdfeeders with Nana


Our "nice monster" on Halloween morning

Trick or Treat!

Ty is over it...

The gang

A shoulder ride for the tired fireman

Scary and Spooky!!!

Fireman Ben (or as Ben says "no, I'm a firesuit.") and Spot the Fire Dog.

My little pumpkin