I'm counting on the Minahans to post more pictures!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Best Friends and relaxing chaos
My mom got these shirts for Owen and Ben. Pretty cute. Sadly this is the only photo I have to document our first weekend at Priest with the Whitfields and the Minahans. Elizabeth opened her family's amazing cabin to us all and it was indeed a funny and relaxing weekend. Elizabeth and Doug are both great with Owen and Ben. They didn't seem to mind our invasion. I call it relaxing chaos because we spent a lot of time tending to the boys, but we had a blast doing it with our friends. The weekend highlights: the food, hanging out on the dock all together, and the laughs. Ben started calling Owen (and Jenn) "Owee" and he continued to say "Owee" the rest of the week.
I'm counting on the Minahans to post more pictures!

I'm counting on the Minahans to post more pictures!