Today Ben had a follow-up eye appt. At the first one it was confirmed that he has strabismus, and that a follow-up appt. would be needed to double check the doctor's measurements. Given the severity of Ben's case (his eyes are malaligned horizontally and vertically), eye glasses won't correct the problem so eye muscle surgery will be needed. The doctor today felt that Ben's eyes were worse off than last month's measurements, so they will do a third and final measurement next month and we will schedule surgery then. In the meantime, Ben is to wear a patch two hours a day to help strengthen the left eye. This won't correct it, but will improve the results of surgery when it happens. Today we tried the patch and he did great for an hour, a good start.
At the appt. today they tried black/white image flashcards, this is what Ben said...
picture of a teddy bear="mouse"
picture of a car="boat"
picture of a tree="moon"
picture of a birthday cake="hot"
Surgery will most likely be late October or early November. We are nervous but glad this can be corrected for Ben and he won't feel any pain. I also heard #2's heartbeat today--loud and strong!