We did it! And, it was a beautiful day and a really good run. Jenn and I had a great time doing it together, but it was an adventure. We didn't sign up in time, 25,000 people beat us to it. So, we ran under the aliases of Marcus and Heather who ended up not being able to do it. The drop-off site on I-5(whose idea was that?) was backed up for miles so we hopped out of the car on I-5 and headed to the start. The route was mostly shady, hills weren't awful, and the 4-6 bands we heard were ok. Our 10min. mile pace was apparently on schedule with the band breaks so we missed out a bit.:( The end was great for obvious reasons but we had fans waiting for us with cool signs--thanks mom and Jenn for coordinating! Thanks Jenn for doing it with me even though some thought you were crazy. And, thanks Mom and Dad for getting us to the start and cheering us on at the end.