Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2012

My Schnitzel and Buzz

The lederhosen are the real deal. My parents bought these for Tim when we lived in Germany, perfect for our little Heidergott!

Halloween Day

Fabulous picture--if only their eyes were open!!!
Aunt Karen visited and brought us coffee and Halloween treats, and was wearing the blinking ghost necklace...Ben always likes that.

Ben brought cheese for his school party
and I made Halloween breakfast, a little too scary I think.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Serious yogurt-eating face.
Cookie decorating is hard work--taking a break.

These are the cutest and easiest Halloween cookies

Potato Head Pumpkins!

I heard from a friend that these little kits were at Target, I went the next day to get some. I think they are the cutest thing ever. And there is no mess...a lot of my day is mess management so to avoid more mess and knives was appealing.

Final product

Hard at work

Loving this weather!

There is a new restaurant in town--Patty's Eggnest! While not new to Seattle, it is new to Northgate and we are happy to welcome them to our neighborhood. On this gorgeous Fall day we headed out for breakfast and some playground time. We headed home and enjoyed a double nap-strike and Ty in total destroyer mode. That is how it works. :)

Popping dirt.

My Ty...get it?

19mos! Ty is such a funny kid! He just goes--head first, loudly, and with so much enthusiasm. All he wants to do is "pay" or have a "ba" which right now means bottle, popsicle, ball, or brother. He asks where Daddy is at least ten times a day and he and Ben are playing together more and more. We can tell Ty idolizes Ben already. These two make quite the pair.

"Get it?"--Ben has been using this phrase quite a bit lately after telling us something. For instance, "mom you forgot my milk, get it?" or "I think we should go to the playground, get it?" We are not sure where this sassy phrase comes from(maybe telling jokes a lot lately?), but we laugh knowing it too shall pass and there is a new phrase/phase coming.

Fox Hollow Farm

This pic gets me...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Go Huskies!

Huskies are 5-1!

Do the Puyallup...

Above is what Ty is checking out below--two of the 12 new piglets.

This horse's name was Ben!