Sunday, April 25, 2010


Magnuson Park for an evening picnic and some playground time.



Tennyson (Tenny) Cleon great grandfather.

My dear Grandma Ruthie passed away last May and I discovered this family name while reading her obituary. Soon after Grandma Ruthie passed, we found out I was pregnant with #2. I loved Ruthie dearly and was very close with her, so I wanted to name #2 in her honor. Hence, we now have Tennyson (Ty) James.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Ty

6 wks

Easter weekend

I found my camera!--so more Easter photos.

Easter dinner at our house...
The Easter Bunny made a stop...

Ben making our rainbow cake for dinner at the Heidergotts

Monday, April 12, 2010

One of our favorite places--Nana & Papa's house!

For Spring break 2010 we headed East to Nana and Papa's house. We had a great week as seen in all of the posts/photos below.

Ben is a bird!

Where is Ben? His new hiding spot :)

Ty--5 weeks

Easter dinner at the Heidergotts

Ben with his bunnies and Aunt Alison
Grandma Sandy & Ty--Ty slept through the entire evening!

Ben was very proud of the rainbow cake he made with Momma

Easter with my family

My family traveled to Seattle for Easter--what an awesome weekend! Uncle Tim got to meet Ty and Ben got to do all sorts of special things...a trip to the Flight Museum with Papa (and his own Coke?!), playground and tricycle time with Nana and Uncle, and his first Easter egg hunt.
Looks good on Tim :)
Ben and his hunt...

One of Ben's Easter eggs
Easter morning

Taking the new tricycle out for a spin

Ty--almost a month

A golf lesson from Uncle

The boys with Uncle