Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just cute photos...

Ben and the Etrade baby...

We hear a lot that Ben looks like the Etrade baby, so here is a comparison--I see it.

Ben is 15mos.!

Ben had his 15mos. checkup this week. He has gotten taller! We figured since he is able to reach more and more things and he started bumping his head more frequently under the table. Oh and his head is still huge.

A trip to the Aquarium

Friday we went to the Aquarium with the Virnigs. Ben was recovering from his shots the day before so he was a little drowsier than normal, but he lite up when we visited the River Otters, Sea Otters and Harbor Seals. Even though we were there on Fieldtrip Friday (woops!) it was fun.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ben showing off...

Family Time

Sunday at the Children's Museum

We went to the Children's Museum today. Ben liked the stairs, any stairs, the soft animals in the reading room, the balls in COG City, and walking with dad. I was the photographer.

Ben & Owen

Jenn and Owen visited and Ben wanted to cuddle with Owen, and then try to climb into the carseat with him. Ben is "helping" dad unload our groceries from AmazonFresh (amazing by the way!)

Dinner with the Virnigs

Jake with his hands full!

Matthew, Jake & Ben

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Go Huskies!!! (and Cards!!!--a shout out to the Schuermers :)

Bathtime personalities

Almost 15mos.

Ben's 1year birthday banner was hard for me to take down, denial he is growing up so fast, so I took a picture of it and am posting it on the blog just to make me feel better. Thanks Jenny for the sparkle-B in the middle...that inspired the whole thing!

Ben has a new favorite place to play--the storage stool.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A neat moment

Drew documented and witnessed this, what I wouldn't give to have seen it! As the sun came through Ben's window, he tried catching the dust specs in the rays.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The new favorites...the warming drawer (not on) and mom's scarves.

Interesting results due to new skills

Ben is obsessed with his airplane. He has figured out how to get on it himself, but will only lift his right leg to get on it. As a result he sometimes rides it backwards.

Bellevue Square playland

First two shots are just cute. The second two are a sequence shot. Ben climbed right over the sweet girl in pink. I asked her if she had brothers that did the same thing and she said "no, I'm the only one kid!"

Those eyes

It snowed...

On Feb. 26th so we were indoors, then Ben got his hands on a box of kleenex. So we then had a snowy living room.

More Museum Pictures

I had to add a few more pics from our trip to the Children's Museum. Ben's favorite spot was the aquarium. He stood there and would point at each fish and say "oh!" He was really tired by the end, hence the picture on his knees, and I was really into taking pictures of the back of him--can't get over the blonde, curly locks.